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Final Major Project (Quarantine)

Updated: May 26, 2022

For my FMP I will be displaying my experience during quarantine.

  1. Self Portraits of me in my back garden, sunbathing

  2. My mom cleaning the shopping

  3. Lack of items on shelves

  4. Self Portraits of me doing college work from home


For my locations my pictures will be taken in my back garden, kitchen and from outside in. They will be taken in these places because that was my lived experience of lockdown. At the start of lockdown I was scared to go outside along with family members so I will take pictures of me and them looking afraid to go outside. The pictures of outside will be of me sunbathing because when I was no longer afraid to go outside that's what I did. I lay in my garden and sunbathed in the heat of the summer sun that we couldn't enjoy in its fullness because of lockdown. For my pictures in the kitchen my images will be of cleaning shopping. This will be because of germ contamination and not wanting to risk bringing the covid-19 virus into the home. I will also hopefully take pictures of me in my bedroom doing college work from home.

Audience Research

My work will be aimed at people who also experienced lockdown of 2019 and quarantine. They may want to look at at how I spent it and compare it to their experiences. I hope they will like the relatability of it.


For my FMP I will be taking pictures of my lockdown and quarantine experience. I will do my best to capture how my quarantine was from start to finish. There will be eight pictures of how coronavirus affected me. There will hopefully pictures of me doing college work from home. I will try to get outdoors and take pictures of people wearing masks in public. I would like to recreate the third picture in the mood board because I think it represents not only me but a lot of other people during quarantine. A lot of these pictures will most likely be along the same vibes as my pictures.

Mood Board

Artist Research

Sam Gregg

I really like these two picture's of Sam's because they are so similar. The pictures are both of someone of an ethnic minority. From assumption, Sam was documenting something about poorer neighbourhoods. Both people look like they have lived hard lives and have gone through a struggle.

This picture of Sam's caught my eye because of the tattooed hand. It is the centrepiece of the picture. The tattoo is a gun on the subjects fingers and their fingers in the shape of gun to their forehead . This could represent his mental health and or state of mind.

This image of Sams's really caught my eye because of the subjects expression. Their face is rather sullen and miserable looking. This could be due to they life they live. The subject looks like they live a rough life because they look messy and unkempt, but they still have enough money to pay for full tattoos on their torso, shoulders, arms and legs.

Sophie Green

Sophie Green a social documentary photographer. This means she takes pictures of general stuff happening around her. This can also include environmental factors. She mostly focuses on British culture and rarely captured communities

These two images go together because they people are from the same community. Assuming from how they look, they are very southern people who maybe very religious and patriotic. The vehicle has the American flag painted on .

I really liked this picture because the main subject of the picture is facing the camera. The rule of thirds really stands out to me because the main subject is not centre. The first vertical line goes directly through them. Only the top halves of the people are in the right hand corner with rule of thirds. the subjects expression is very neutral.

These pictures stood out to me because as a Black woman I can relate to the experience of having my hair done at the hair shop. I liked the first one because it is such a natural picture. The subject is un-posed but they still look the part. I wish the name of the shop was in full frame though. The second picture where the little girl is looking directly camera and the lady behind her looking round to see if she is ok resonated with me.

Brunel Johnson

Brunel is a candid street and documentary photographer. He studied mathematics at university before picking up a camera which he says 'It chose me, it all happened by accident' Inspiration can come from anyone and everywhere.

I really liked this image because of the message it gives. The text on his eyes says that he's not a criminal which represents the assumptions that he is because of the colour of his skin. I like that the artist put the image in black and white because I think it helps push the message the photo is giving.

Looking at this image made me really happy. I saw three black men driving around in decent weather and just beimg happy in general. There's a story behind the photo, maybe it's the first time they've gotten to hang out in a while and they are relaxing and having fun together.

I really love the framing of this image. This child looking through the framing and into the lens of the camera shows that Brunel was maybe hidden while taking the picture.

Hajar Bendija

Hajar graduated from HKU University in 2019 with a BA in photography. Personally she does documentary and intimate photography capturing some of the biggest names in hip hop and the Atlanta strip club scene.

I love this images because it tells so much without revealing the subjects identity. Their nails are freshly done and they have bling on their wrist, all for the sake of capturing a potential customers attention. There is very little clothing on the large portion of skin that can be seen which again is to attract customers. This picture was probably taken at the end of a long night because of the amount of cash notes that are on her lap. In one small corner it can be seen that one of the notes is a 1 dollar note and is most likely the case with the rest of them.

This picture captured my eye because of the sparkling glitter on the subjects midfriff. The tattoo which says 'Mama Love' could signify a lot. It could be about the subjects mom or that they themself are a mom.

I really like this image because it is so casual. the lighting is bright and dark at the same time which gives the impression that it was taken in a club or bar scene. The framing of the second subjects eye with their hand is really natural like they had just thrown up their hand rather than being told to put it there.

Robert Frank

Robert Frank was a a Swiss photographer and documentary filmmaker. Franks most well known project is The Americans. It was to show how American people lived post war.

This picture could show that the hidden subjects are very patriotic of their country. The framing is very natural, like the photographer just looked up and that's what they saw.

this picture shows that Eocene after the war there were still jobs for black people as maids and housekeepers foe white homes. In the picture a possible housekeeper is holding a white baby which could mean they have taken them outside for some fresh air.

I like this picture because it un-posed and all of the reactions that can be seen are naturally occurring. The image is of two larger women walking down the street. They are drawing a lot of attention to themselves because of they way they are dressed. They are dressed exactly the same from head to toe.

FMP Pictures:

At the start of lock down my mom was very cautious about going outside. The peeking of around the door represents her nervousness about even breathing outside air. I chose to put them in black and white because of the emotions that were.

Her looking up could represent hope for when we are able to go outside safely again without worrying if we would catch the virus. When I took this picture I told her to put some dark eyeshadow under her eyes to give the look of stress and worry.

This picture of my back garden where I spent most of quarantine. I used the sun lounger a lot during this time because it was summer. My mom did not want to because and I quote 'It looks a hot mess' which I cant blame her for.

At the start I was afraid to go outside but I got less scared when I realised I wasn't around people in my back garden. Because it was summer, I did a lot of going into my garden and sunbathing. At one point I fell asleep in hot sun and I had very prominent tan lines for at least the next year.

During lockdown my dad did most of the food shopping. The news advised us to wash our groceries because they had been touched by other people in the store and we did not want to run the risk of catching the virus because some irresponsible person didn't wash their hands

My mom always made sure to clean our shopping with dettol wipes that had most likely just been bought along with other shopping. We would clean our stuff with bleach soaked cloths and then rinse them well with water.

During quarantine we had to work from home which was really stressful. Not being around people who understand what the work was made me stress out a lot and have few breakdowns.

The quarantine period where we had to work from home I had quite a few crying sessions just to let all the emotions out so I didn't lose my mind completely from being inside around the same people all day. I had a friend who felt like this as well.

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